Allah has
bestowed to you, and fear Allah, The One
in Whom you have
(Aayat 88, Al-Maaidah)
“Eat from such
(animals) on which the Name of Allah has been recited, if indeed you are
Believers in His laws.”
(Aayat 118, Al-An’aam)
“Eat from that
which Allah has bestowed to you, and do not follow in the footsteps of
shaitaan. Verily, he is for you an open enemy.”
(Aayat 142, Al-An’aam)
Eating halaal-tayyib food is a Waajib obligation. It is not an optional issue as Sanha’s
miscreant molvis endeavour to convey to the Ummah. They satanically peddle the
notion that halaal-tayyib food is for the Ambiya and Auliya of Hadhrat Junaid
Baghdaadi’s rank, and cultivation of Taqwa is for those who live in caves. We
live in an age in which molvis commit open kufr and believe themselves to be
Muslims. Instead of calling to Siraatul Mustaqeem, they invite the Ummah to
kufr, fisq and fujoor. While Allah Ta’ala repeatedly commands consumption of
halaal-tayyib food, and while the Ahaadith are replete with similar commands,
we have vile organizations such as Sanha and vile molvis such as those linked
to Sanha and those who participate in pre-planned fraudulent inspections with
the sole agenda of sustaining Sanha’s haraam certificate which halaalizes
diseased carrion chickens.
with its retinue of evil molvis has demoted Muslims to the level of dogs and
swines who are fit to consume any kind of diseased carrion. As long as the
‘halaal’ certificate could be sustained to ensure the flow of haraam riba
millions sucked from the ‘certified’ businesses, it matters not even if carrion
is fed to Muslims.
attitude which the satanic molvi lackeys of Sanha have adopted in relation to
food consumption is truly abhorrent. While Allah Ta’ala has handed the Ummah a
beautiful and humane system of slaughtering to produce halaal-tayyib food,
these wretched molvis with their equally wretched mentor, Sanha, have abrogated
the Qur’aanic command of ‘Halaal-Tayyib’. Without even a flimsy basis, they
shamelessly proclaim haraam carrion to be ‘halaal’ despite the overwhelming
evidence proving without a shadow of doubt that the chickens killed at Rainbow
Chickens are haraam maitah (carrion).
While Sanha’s insane craving to sustain its haraam certificate
is understandable, the attitude of these vile molvis is incomprehensible. The
only logical reason for their support for Sanha appears to be that their
fingers too are in Sanha’s haraam carrion riba pie. Besides this, there may be
other nafsaani motives which constrain these moron molvis to conduct themselves
like rabid dogs, recklessly proclaiming ‘halaal’ what is clearly haraam. They
are rabidly insane because they say that the end product of a 100% haraam
killing system is ‘halaal’. Like a drowning man clutching at a straw, they aver
that the ‘end result’ is ‘halaal’ despite the fact that a mass of evidence
exists to prove that mass discardence of Tasmiyah, Shareetatush Shaitaan and
immersion of chickens in filthy, faecel, scalding water with their entrails
intact are being perpetrated. To aggravate this hurmat, is the total
lack of Muslim supervision from the very point the carrion chickens leave the
Devouring carrion and riba has utterly ruined their intellectual
faculty. They no longer possess any perception of halaal and haraam. They are
among the worst spiritual bandits and marauders of the Ummah’s Imaan. It is
about such satanic molvis having the hearts of shayaateen that Rasulullah
(sallallahu alayhi wasallam) predicted:
“There will soon dawn an age when ….the worst of mankind under the canopy of the sky will be their ulama. From them will emanate fitnah, and the fitnah will rebound on them.”