This is not a riddle for Muslims who understand the meaning and purpose of Islam. It is a cut and dried issue devoid of ambiguity. The Qur’aan states with clarity and emphasis:

“Those who do not govern according to that (Shariah) revealed by Allah, verily, they are the kaafiroon.”

      Every secular system of governance is un-Islamic. It is in conflict with the Qur’aan and Sunnah, hence it is not permissible for Muslims to be participants in the law-making processes of governments even in Muslim countries. All the secular institutions of government in the Muslim lands are haraam structures of kufr in which participation is haraam.

The permissibility of a system is measured on the Standard of the Shariah. If it is in conflict with the Immutable Shariah, it is a kufr system. Participation in such a law-making process effaces Imaan. When a Muslim becomes a member of parliament in a democratic or socialist system or any other secular system, it represents an implied acknowledgement that he has rejected the Shariah of the Qur’aan and has adopted  laws which are in conflict with Allah’s law. He thus casts off the Mantle of Imaan and Islam. In other words he becomes a murtad. His loose association with the Muslim community – his performance of Salaat, his fasting, his performance of hajj and his other acts of ritualism do not secure his Imaan as long as he indulges in the kufr-law making process.

Besides the actual law-making process, a Muslim who participates actively in secular politics, even if in a Muslim country, has to ignominiously submit to many other haraam acts such as intermingling of sexes, picture-making, music, idolatry, e.g. worshipping a flag, standing for the national anthem, etc.

Only men deficient in faith and virtuous deeds, and ignoramuses who lack a proper understanding of the Shariah venture into the unchartered waters of a kufr law-making system. Warning such culprits whose Imaan dangles on a flimsy thread, the Qur’aan Majeed says:

“Then, We have established you on a Shariah with regard to affairs. Therefore follow it. And do not follow the desires of those who do not know.”

These restrictive confines of the Shariah stated in the Qur’aan do not permit Muslims to venture into a terrain where kufr, fisq and fujoor are considered respectable norms. If the present crowd of Muslim parliamentarians, ministers and others occupying prominent governmental positions is scrutinized, it will be seen that the whole miserable lot are hopeless drones who are incapable of opening their mouths to speak up for any concern of the Muslim community. On the contrary, their non-Muslim counterparts are more sympathetic towards Muslims then these miserable drones who have extinguished their Imaan by their adoption of kufr.



1) Law-making This is taboo. It is never permissible for Muslims to be participants in the law-framing system. Since almost every law promulgated by a secular parliament or law system will necessarily be in conflict or at variance with the Shariah, it will be haraam and kufr for a Muslim parliamentarian to align himself with this process. If he does, he extinguishes his Imaan. It is therefore not permissible for a Muslim to become a member of parliament because it is the seat of the kufr law-making process.

2) Voting Normally voting is not permissible. Muslims should totally abstain from participation in politics and lead their lives as law-abiding citizens. As citizens of a state the Shariah does not permit them to commit acts of treachery and treason. They are not permitted to indulge in acts of subversion aimed against the rulers.

There are, however, circumstances which may constrain Muslims to vote in a secular state. They may have to enter into an uncomfortable alliance with a non-Muslim political party for the sake of their safety and religious well-being. Consider the situation in India. The two main contenders are the generally secular congress party and the verkrampte Hindu BJ party whose stated objective is the elimination of Islam in India. These arch-enemies of Muslims have pledged to convert all Indian Muslims to Hinduism and all Musjids into temples of idolatry. In view of this danger it will be permissible, not incumbent, for Muslims to vote for the secular Congress party. But it is not permissible for Muslims to become members of parliament and participate in law-making.

The permissibility to vote in certain situations is the consequence of deficient Imaan and lack of spiritual fibre (Roohaaniyat). The original and actual attitude of Muslims who are morally reformed and spiritually developed is to focus the gaze on Allah Ta’ala. Sabr and Dua are the way of the Mu’mineen. It is only Allah Ta’ala Who can aid and protect us, no one else. The Qur’aan states:

“If Allah aids you, none can defeat you, and if He abandons you, then who is there besides Allah to help you?”

      In a situation where voting for a non-Muslim political party is permissible, it will not be permissible for Muslim females to emerge from their homes and proceed to polling booths to vote. If an arrangement could be made for them to vote in seclusion without violation of Hijaab in any way, only then will voting be allowed for them. Arrangements are made for even prisoners to vote in the seclusion of their prisons. If such arrangements are not made, then it will be haraam for Muslim women to leave the precincts of their homes to vote.

“Verily, the earth belongs to only Allah. He bestows its sovereignty to whomever He wishes among His servants. And, the ultimate victory is for the Muttaqeen.”



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