Questions relating to men
Q. Which colours are forbidden for males? What about the bright-coloured robes which Muslim men wear in West Africa?
A. All bright feminine colours such as red, yellow, pink, purple, saffron, etc. are prohibited for men. We have observed in West Africa, Muslim men wearing bright-coloured traditional garments. The colours are distinctly feminine, and this is not permissible.
Q. The imaam of our Musjid allows persons with short sleeves, without topi and wearing jeans and T-shirt to lead the Salaat. Sometimes the kurtah is below the ankles. Is the Imaam’s action permissible? The fellow with jeans and T-shirt puts on a jubbah when he goes forward.
A. It is Makrooh Tahrimi and not permissible to be dressed with short sleeves and without topi during Salaat. It is not permissible to appoint such a person to lead the Salaat. If the kurtah is below the ankles, then he is a faasiq. The faasiq should not be appointed to lead the Salaat even if he disguises himself with a jubbah. It is not permissible for the appointed Imaam to appoint the faasiq to lead the Salaat. It is haraam to allow a fellow wearing jeans and T-shirt to lead the Salaat.