Sanha and the bogus Inspection at Rainbow

In the last week of October 2008 an inspection of the Rainbow chicken plant in Natal had taken place. This inspection was prearranged and planned by Sanha. Certain Molvi's were invited to go along for this so called inspection, an inspection to determine as to whether Rainbow chickens are halaal.

As it will come to any sane person's mind, such an arrangement will undoubtedly present a prepared scene-specifically prepared to defeat the purpose of inspection. By this inspection being prearranged by those very same haraam 'halaalizing' certificate producers, it is completely obvious that all those things which classify the chickens as haraam will be concealed.
For instance-
1- The slaughterers will have been told to 'move their lips',
2- The voltage of the electronic bath given before slaughter would be reduced,
3- The line of speed bringing the chickens would have been drastically reduced,
4- The temperature of the scalding tank into which the dead chickens (or supposedly dead, as we are to disclose later on) are immersed with their internal filth, would have been reduced to deceive the so called inspectors into believing that there is no diffusion of the najaasat into the flesh.

Surely common sense will tell you that such an inspection can be to no avail? Sanha in cahoots with Rainbow would do their best to hide the apparent evidence that qualify the chickens as haraam.

The Outcome of the Inspection

This is an overall write up on what we heard of the outcome of the so called inspection and what we think of it on the whole.
Among the Molvi's and Mifti's that took part in the inspection at the Rainbow plant in Natal was Mufti A.H Elias. On his website a letter concerning the inspection was presented. http://www.alislam.co.za/

In relation to facts 1 to 3 in the letter-

1. Mufti Elias says- Hanging the birds to be slaughtered, shackled upside down without these birds facing Qibla should be rectified

Our response- The chickens are not facing Qibla and the cruel upside down shackling have become an entrenched practice displacing the revealed method of slaughter and thus renders the whole system haraam and kufr.

2. Mufti Elias says- The stunning is tantamount to gross cruelty to innocent, speechless,harmless, helpless small birds, this should be terminated as done in the UK or some other alternative should be found and explored; there should be some Hi-tech electronic device to certify that the poor chicken is still alive after stunning. Our elders highly detest and deplore this stunning.

Our response- The stunning prior to slaughter is haraam.
The animal suffers pain throughout the process despite the immobility caused by the stunning.
The stunning is conflict with the shariah.
Adoption of this method is 'akin to kufr'- Hadhrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi.
Many chickens die by electrocution or drowning during the stunning process.

3.Mufti Elias says- Most birds after slaughtering are subjected to de-feathering in hot water whilst they are still alive- this is disgusting, cruel, atrocious and horrific. More time must be given in the bleeding unit - not just 90 seconds but double that time so that the chicken is dead, dead before emerging into hot water for de-feathering.

Our response- This is brutal cruelty and is haraam.
The hot water causes all the impurities within to be absorbed into the flesh causing it to become impure thus haraam.

How can the chickens ever be "Halaal" when there are so many things that are wrong and haraam in their methods which cause the chickens to be haraam???!

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