Voice of the Truth


"Istikhaarah" means to seek goodness. Here it means the way of seeking advice and goodness from Allah Ta'aala. Salaatul Istikhaarah consists of two Raka'ats. When one intends to embark on any project, e.g. trade journey, marriage, etc, then one should seek the advice of Allah Ta'aala, and make dua for protection and goodness. According to the Hadith of our Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) it is only an unfortunate person who fails to seek the aid, advice and goodness of Allah Ta'aala when intending to embark upon something. The Hadith Shareef has exhorted much the observance of Salaatul Istikhaarah. InshaAllah, you will not regret if you make this Salaat and only thereafter decide whether to proceed with the intended project or cancel it.


Salaatul Istikhaarah consists of two Raka'ats. This Salaat is performed at nightjust before going to bed. Once the Salaat has been performed, go to bed immediately. Do not indulge in any activity after Salaatul Istikhaarah. Recite any Surah in these Raka'ats. It is performed as any other Nafl Salaat. After the Salaat make a fervent Dua, with much concentration. The Dua which should be recited after this Salaat is as follows: 

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