Approval without supervision?!!

Sanha alleges that it does not ‘supervise’ Early Bird Chicken Farm. It further alleges that it does not ‘certify’ these chickens. Despite these brazen self-contradictory claims, Sanha has no qualms to shamelessly declare:


What type of ‘approval’ is this without ‘supervision’.  The essential requisite for an honest and valid approval is 100% Muslim supervision by the purveyor of ‘approval’. With its ‘approval’ minus its ‘supervision’, Sanha has been feeding the Muslim community haraam Maitah (carrion). Sanha is totally unable to vouch – to testify in Allah’s Name – that every confounded Goldi Chicken product sold in the supermarkets is halaal.

 Speaking with a forked, crooked tongue of dubiosity which is calculated to mislead Muslims, Sanha, in vindication of its haraam ‘approval’ states: “However, if no formal arrangement of authorized Muslim control and supervision is met at any of the chain stores/supermarkets then Muslims would be discouraged from purchasing products at such outlets.”

Muslims should noted the following incongruencies in this deceptive statement:

   Despite lack of ‘Muslim control and supervision’, Sanha merely ventures a suggestion of ‘discouragement’. Despite acknowledging the need for Muslim control and supervision, Sanha cannot declare that GOLDI CHICKENS sold at unsupervised outlets are HARAAM. It cannot say so because the issue of haraam riba revenue is at stake. It cannot afford to ruffle the feathers of Early Bird or the myriad of outlets it has ‘certified’ which stock Early Bird chickens, and from whom Sanha nets tens of thousands of rands for its scrap haraam certificates.

*    Sanha is guilty of hideously subverting the Shariah by using the name of Islam to ‘approve’ as ‘halaal’ meat products which it claims not to be supervising.

   What is Sanha’s basis for peddling the idea that Early Bird chickens are halaal? On what grounds does Sanha ‘approve’ of Early Bird haraam products when it claims not to be one of the supervising agents?  Does Sanha labour under the stupid notion that the entire Muslim community is so stupid as to accept that a declaration of halaal without supervision is valid in the Shariah?

*    Sanha must now state the grounds on which it has based its ‘approval’ of Goldi Chicken products. Does Sanha base its approval on the basis of MJC certification? It is imperative that Sanha informs the Muslim public in this regard. Does Sanha claim that Early Bird products are halaal because the MJC claims it to be halaal? The Muslim community of Natal-KwaZulu, and the Gauteng/Transvaal as well as a substantial part of the Cape Muslim community are anxious to have Sanha’s answers. It is an established fact that these communities do not accept MJC certification as this body has no perception of Shar’i supervision and no concept of halaal and haraaam. In fact, the very senior sheikhs of the MJC have always discarded the importance of reciting Tasmiah when slaughtering. By them, it is an optional issue of insignificance. In the past we have thoroughly proved that they do not understand even the masaa-il of the Shaafi’ Math-hab on the issue of Thabah.

   Is Sanha feeding the Maitah to the Muslim community on the basis of the MJC’s certification?
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