It appears that the so-called Muslim Personal Law bill which deviates had  several times tried in the past to have imposed on the Muslim community, but failed, has not yet perished a complete death of annihilation. Its votaries are plotting to resurrect this haraam corpse. A scheme  is being plotted by the deviates to achieve their nefarious goal of modernzing, i.e. kufrizing, the Shariah.  Some cosmetic changes are being designed for the very same kufr provision which the Muslims of  South Africa had  not so long ago rejected. Shaitaan has again infused afresh  his  spirit of fitnah in the authors of the MPL bill, promising them  success in this round which they are contemplating.

It is our sacred obligation to remind Muslims that besides the fourteen century old immutable Shariah of the Qur’aan and Sunnah, there is no other shariah for this Ummah. The vile fabricators of the haraam MPL bill appear to be hell bent on achieving their aim of imposing the kufr bill on the Muslim community. Those who are not satisfied  with the Shariah, but masquerade as Muslims, should inform the Muslim community of their misgivings about Allah’s Shariah.

The viscosity of their brains prevent them from understanding that regardless of the form with which they adorn  the provisions of their haraam MPL bill, any diversion from the Shariah and any conflict with the Shariah are kufr. For example, Allah Ta’ala has vested the right of Talaaq in only the husband. If from now until the Day of Qiyaamah ways and means of circumventing this law are fabricated and presented as part of a ‘Muslim’ personal law system, it will be kufr. Fanciful appellations will not change the reality. This right which the Shariah has bestowed to only the husband, may not be curtailed or fettered with conditions to satisfy the kufr secular constitution of the land. This is  merely one example.

The MPL versions presented in the past were cluttered with kufr – such kufr which effaces Imaan. The authors of the MPL bill despite  sporting beards and donning kurtahs and despite being molvis and sheikhs, and pretending to be concerned with the Deen, extinguished their Imaan with their nefarious aim of abrogating provisions of the Shariah. They come within the full glare of the Qur’aanic declaration:

“Those who do not govern according to that (Shariah) which Allah  has revealed, verily, they are the kaafiroon.”

Muslims are not in need of any measure of law which is at variance with the Shariah handed to the Ummah by Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). If even a single provision in the whole confounded bill is in conflict with the Shariah, it ceases to be ‘Muslim’. It will be fraudulent to dub it ‘Muslim” personal law.

If the votaries of the haraam bill profess themselves to be Muslims, then  what is the need for an MPL law? Why not simply petition the government to enact a law to impose on the Muslim community  the Shariah as it stands – as we all know it – without  the slightest change. But this is impossible because every facet of the Shariah is in diametric conflict with the constitution of the land. In order to make the bill palatable and acceptable to the authorities for acceptance and enactment as law, it is imperative to perpetrate wholesale mutilation of the laws of Allah’s Shariah. In other words, the MPL measure will only be acceptable to the government if the Shariah is buffeted into subservience of the secular and kufr constitution of the country.

Muslims should be diligent and vehemently oppose the kufr MPL bill which the modernist deviates  are once again attempting to crank up. The agenda underlying this kufr bill is sinister. The Muslim community is under obligation of the Qur’aan to reject the bill out-rightly. Imaan cannot coexist with acceptance of the kufr provisions of the proposed bill whose skeleton was lying in someone’s cupboard in an advanced stage of decomposition. The surgery which will go into the attempt to resurrect the decomposed kufr bill will not succeed to hoodwink Muslims, Insha’Allah.  We shall, Insha’Allah, keep the Ummah informed of developments in this regard. It will be imperative and Waajib for the Muslim community to  declare its opposition to the kufr bill. It is nothing by an abrogation of the Shariah  and fraudulently portrayed as the same immutable Shariah of the Qur’aan and Sunnah.

The government should be told unequivocally that the MPL bill is unacceptable to the Muslim community.

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