RThe Noblest Jihaad
asulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “The noblest Jihad is to proclaim the truth to a tyrannical ruler.” The tyranny and cruelty of Hajjaaj Bin Yusuf are proverbial. He had put to death thousands of innocent Muslims, including many Sahaabah. He would have them summarily executed in his presence on the slightest pretext to gratiate his passion for killing.
Hadhrat Abdur Rahmaan Bin Abi Na-eem (rahmatullah alayh) was among the very senior Taabi-een. His taqwa and ibaadat were of such a lofty status and so all-embracing that if he had to be informed that Malakul Maut (the Angel of Death) has arrived to take his soul, then too he would not have been able to improve his ibaadat. The news of Malakul Maut’s arrival would not effect the slightest change in his attitude. His entire being was perpetually consumed with the remembrance of Allah Ta’ala.
Once Hadhrat Abdur Rahmaan went to Hajjaaj and admonished him of the dire consequences of his cruelty and injustice. Hajjaaj was inflamed. He ordered that Hadhrat Abdur Rahmaan be enclosed in a windowless dungeon. The door was sealed. He was literally entombed in the intensely dark dungeon in which there was not even a crevice for any light or air to filter through. He remained in the dungeon for fifteen days without any food or water or any other facilities whatsoever. After fifteen days, Hajjaaj order that his body be buried.
When the guards opened the door of the dungeon they found Hadhrat Abdur Rahmaan engaged in Salaat. He was in the same state as he was on the first day of his imprisonment.
When Hajjaaj was informed, he ordered Hadhrat Abdur Rahmaan to be released. He realized that this was an act of Allah Ta’ala. No one can harm a person when Allah Ta’ala protects him.